A new interview episode is now available!
Oct. 1, 2023

4.245 - Puerto Rico and the Early US Republic

4.245 - Puerto Rico and the Early US Republic

Year(s) Discussed: Prehistory-1954

Being in the midst of a war with Great Britain did not stop some Americans in the early 19th century from thinking about territorial expansion into Spanish-held colonies in the Americas including those in the Caribbean. For this episode, I am joined by Joseph Pascone, host of the Turning Tides Podcast, to examine the history of Puerto Rico, the key to the Antilles, and how numerous European powers vied for control of this island for centuries prior to it becoming a US commonwealth. During our discussion, we learn about some common developments and trends that took place both in Puerto Rico and what became the United States. Links referenced can be found at www.presidenciespodcast.com.

Note: There are references to violence related to the colonial experience and enslavement throughout this episode.

Special thanks to Joseph Pascone of the Turning Tides Podcast for joining me for this episode!

Featured Image: "Pas kaart van t Eyland S. JUAN DE PORTO RICO met d Eylanden daar Beoosten" by Johannes van Keulen [c. 1712], courtesy of Wikipedia

Intro and Outro Music: "Hull's Victory," as performed by David and Ginger Hildebrand, courtesy of the Colonial Music Institute at George Washington's Mount Vernon