Jan. 19, 2025

4.38 - Shortest. War. Ever.

4.38 - Shortest. War. Ever.

Year(s) Discussed: 1814-1815

As the British and Americans handed back over land captured during the recent War, the US government was finally able to turn its attention to the situation with Algiers and the American sailors that had been held captive by them for years. Meanwhile, in Europe, Napoleon set into motion his triumphal return to power. Little did he know, however, just how quickly a new Allied Coalition would come together to thwart his plans and what ramifications this would have for the geopolitical stage of the 19th century. Sources used for this episode can be found at https://www.presidenciespodcast.com.

Special thanks to Andrew of AEIOU: A Podcast About Austria for providing the opening quote and to Christian of Your Podcast Pal for his audio editing work on this episode!

The transcript for this episode can be found here.

  • Ammon, Harry. James Monroe: The Quest for National Identity. Charlottesville, VA and London: University Press of Virginia, 1999 [1971].
  • Elting, John R. Amateurs, To Arms! A Military History of the War of 1812. New York: Da Capo Press, 1995 [1991].
  • Feldman, Jay. When the Mississippi Ran Backwards: Empire, Intrigue, Murder, and the New Madrid Earthquakes. New York: Free Press, 2005.
  • Kissinger, Henry. A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh, and the Problems of Peace, 1812-22. Echo Point Books & Media. 2013 [1957].
  • Landry, Jerry. The Presidencies of the United States. 2017-2025. https://www.presidenciespodcast.com.
  • Leiner, Frederick C. The End of Barbary Terror: America’s 1815 War Against the Pirates of North Africa. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.
  • Mooney, Chase C. William H. Crawford: 1772-1834. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 1974.
  • Nagel, Paul C. John Quincy Adams: A Public Life, a Private Life. New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1997.
  • Preston, Daniel, ed. The Papers of James Monroe, Volume 7: Selected Correspondence and Papers, April 1814-February 1817. Santa Barbara, CA and Denver, CO: Greenwood, 2020.
  • Schom, Alan. Napoleon Bonaparte. New York: HarperCollins, 1998 [1997].
  • Smith, Gene Allen. The Slaves’ Gamble: Choosing Sides in the War of 1812. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
  • Smith, Joshua M. Making Maine: Statehood and the War of 1812. Amherst, MA and Boston, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 2022.

Featured Image: "Decatur's Squadron off Algiers" by Gardner Weld Allen [c. 1905], courtesy of Wikipedia

Intro and Outro Music: "Hull's Victory," as performed by David and Ginger Hildebrand, courtesy of the Colonial Music Institute at George Washington's Mount Vernon