A new interview episode is now available!

Let's Rename the War of 1812!

Let's Rename the War of 1812!

Let's face it - for such a pivotal conflict in American history, the War of 1812 is not the most catchy name. It's no War of Jenkins' Ear, Cod Wars, or War of the Outlaws.

I want to invite listeners of the podcast and social media followers to suggest new names for the conflict.

You'll have until 12:01 AM Eastern US time on January 1st, 2024 to use this link to submit your suggestion.

A couple of quick ground rules:

  • Please only submit one suggestion per person.
    Please keep the suggestions family-friendly. We reserve the right to disqualify any names that are derogatory or inappropriate.

Once we have the suggestions in, we'll start a voting process where folks will be able to decide which new name they like the best.

The person with the new name that comes out on top will get a special shout-out on the podcast as well as a small token of my appreciation.

Get your suggestions in today!