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Season 4

Jan. 19, 2025

4.38 - Shortest. War. Ever.

Year(s) Discussed: 1814-1815 As the British and Americans handed back over land captured during the recent War, the US government was finally able to turn its attention to the situation with Algiers and the American sailors that had been held captive by them for years. Meanwhile, in Europe, Napo…
Dec. 9, 2024

4.37 - What Now? The Aftermath of War

Year(s) Discussed: 1814-1815 In the latter days of the War of 1812, President Madison had to rebuild a shattered administration and a decimated capital city while still working to bring the military conflict to a resolution. Meanwhile, in New England, the British took control of a large portion …
Oct. 21, 2024

4.36 - One More Battle

Year(s) Discussed: 1812-1815 After failing to take Baltimore, the British turn their attention to the Gulf South in an attempt to land another blow to the Americans before the work of the peace commissioners brought the war to an end. However, they would find General Andrew Jackson ready to defe…
Sept. 29, 2024

4.35 - A Christmas Miracle

Year(s) Discussed: 1814 In the aftermath of the burning of Washington, DC, the Madison administration hardly had time to pick up the pieces before they had to turn their attention to a new British invasion of Baltimore. Meanwhile, the American negotiators in Europe worked to find a path to peace…
July 31, 2024

4.34 - The Storm That Saved Washington

Year(s) Discussed: 1813-1814 President Madison and his administration learned that the British were sending seasoned veterans of the Napoleonic Wars to fight American forces in the north as the new commander of the British North American fleet issued orders designed to attack the United States e…
July 7, 2024

4.33 - Stalemate

Year(s) Discussed: 1812-1815 As the second year of the war against Britain wrapped up, the Madison administration found that little progress had been made. The invasion of Canada had stalled, and merchants in New England were undermining the war effort by continuing to trade with the British. Me…
May 26, 2024

4.32 - Exile

Year(s) Discussed: 1813-1814 The Allied forces of Europe were drawing ever closer to the French capital in the early months of 1814, and the Emperor Napoleon had to consider what options remained for him and for his empire. Meanwhile, American diplomats in Europe worked to determine what impact …
May 12, 2024

4.31 - Horseshoe Bend

Year(s) Discussed: 1813-1814 Within a few months' time, Andrew Jackson went from having a depleted force under his command to achieving one of the most decisive victories in his military career. In this episode, we explore how that transpired and the ramifications that this would have for the Na…
March 31, 2024

4.30 - We Have Met the Enemy

Year(s) Discussed: 1813 As the War of 1812 moved into its second year, two American commanders on the northwestern frontier - William Henry Harrison and Oliver Hazard Perry - struggled against logistical challenges and political infighting to assemble their respective forces in order to finally …
Feb. 12, 2024

4.29 - The Twilight

Year(s) Discussed: 1812-1813 After the failed campaign in Russia, French Emperor Napoleon had to regroup. And by regroup, I mean launch another war, of course. It soon became clear, though, that the tide was shifting, and instead of a war of conquest, Napoleon was now fighting for the survival o…
Jan. 28, 2024

4.28 - Burnt Corn and the Fort

Year(s) Discussed: 1813 Tensions had been building between the Native inhabitants and the incoming American settlers in the Gulf South, and the year 1813 saw open hostilities which resulted in a joint operation planned by the US federal government and state and territorial governments in the are…
Dec. 13, 2023

4.27 - Don't Give Up the Ship

Year(s) Discussed: 1813 The 1812 ground campaign in the north may have been a bust, but with a new year and a new Secretary of War in place, surely the invasion of Canada would go better in 1813, right? Meanwhile, President Madison had to deal with trying to work with a contentious Congress as w…
Nov. 5, 2023

4.26 - Hello, Goodbye

Year(s) Discussed: 1810-1814 Though it took a while, in 1813, news of the war between Britain and the US arrived on the West Coast and would have ramifications for the Americans at the Pacific trading post of Astoria. Meanwhile, President Madison with his second inauguration launched a reset of …
Oct. 15, 2023

4.25 - The Westward Retreat

Year(s) Discussed: 1812-1813 Though the French Army captured Moscow in the fall of 1812, Emperor Napoleon quickly learned that holding it and forcing the Russians to capitulate would prove to be a tougher prospect. Meanwhile, Russian Tsar Aleksandr, concerned about the impact of the War of 1812 …
Oct. 1, 2023

4.245 - Puerto Rico and the Early US Republic

Year(s) Discussed: Prehistory-1954 Being in the midst of a war with Great Britain did not stop some Americans in the early 19th century from thinking about territorial expansion into Spanish-held colonies in the Americas including those in the Caribbean. For this episode, I am joined by Joseph P…
Aug. 27, 2023

4.24 - The First Texas Revolution

Year(s) Discussed: 1811-1813 As if the United States didn't have enough military conflicts to be involved in, agents of the Madison administration worked to support the efforts of would-be revolutionaries leading the Republican Army of the North to end Spanish control of New Spain. Meanwhile, Ge…
July 16, 2023

4.23 - Out with the Old

Year(s) Discussed: 1812-1813 As the USS Constitution brought home the nation's first major victory in the War of 1812, the Madison administration had to carefully consider how to readjust its strategy in ground operations. New leaders started emerging in the field, but the President, after secur…
June 11, 2023

4.22 - The Eastward March

Content Note: There is a mention of death by suicide in this episode around the 32 minute mark. Year(s) Discussed: 1811-1812 Even after the declaration of war in 1812, US and British officials on both sides of the Atlantic continued to work towards a cessation of hostilities. At around the sa…
May 28, 2023

4.21 - When It Rains

Year(s) Discussed: 1812 In the aftermath of the surrender of Detroit, the Madison administration had to consider whether its strategy against Britain had already gone awry in the early days of the War of 1812. Meanwhile, in East Florida, the arrival of a new colonial governor boded ill for the P…
April 30, 2023

4.20 - Once More Unto the Breach

Year(s) Discussed: 1812 With the path to war set, the Madison administration had to develop a strategy to prosecute warfare against Great Britain. On top of logistical difficulties, having a Secretary of War and a Secretary of the Navy with little to no military experience didn't help matters, a…
April 9, 2023

4.19 - Let Slip...

Year(s) Discussed: 1810-1812 Tensions had been building for years between Britain and the United States. By June 1812, the American government was ready to take action. The circumstances by which they would declare war, however, were far from ideal, and it was only due to a series of events on b…
March 12, 2023

4.18 - Put Your Best Plot Forward

Year(s) Discussed: 1811-1812 In 1811, President Madison brought in a new US Minister who he felt might actually be able to navigate the complicated diplomatic intrigues of the Napoleonic French government to bring about a resolution to long-standing issues with that government as he and his admi…
Feb. 26, 2023

4.17 - Unsettled Ground

Year(s) Discussed: 1807-1812 With changes happening in the nation's capital and abroad, the Madison administration worked as 1811 gave way to 1812 to navigate through new circumstances. In the House of Representatives, new leadership came to the forefront with an expansionist agenda. Around the …
Feb. 5, 2023

4.16 - We're Not Going to Take It Anymore

Year(s) Discussed: 1810-1811 As a new British Minister made his way to the US, a naval engagement off the Eastern Seaboard further complicated relations between the United States and United Kingdom. In Washington, President Madison had to figure out how to approach the situation with the French …