A new interview episode is now available!
Sept. 8, 2024

SATT 028.2 - Alexander J Dallas Part Two

SATT 028.2 - Alexander J Dallas Part Two

Tenure of Office: October 6, 1814 - October 21, 1816

When Alexander J Dallas assumed office as Secretary of the Treasury, the federal government was nearly bankrupt. With my special guests, Cody and Stephen of the Imperfect Men podcast, we explore Dallas's tenure at Treasury and his efforts to improve the nation's finances and economy in the aftermath of the War of 1812 then determine whether Dallas is worthy of a seat at the table of Cabinet All-Stars. Sources used for this episode can be found at https://www.presidenciespodcast.com.

Special thanks to Cody and Stephen of the Imperfect Men podcast for joining me for this episode!

Featured Image: "Engraved BEP portrait of U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Alexander J. Dallas," courtesy of Wikipedia