Nov. 23, 2024

VPOTUS 005.1 - Elbridge Gerry Part One

VPOTUS 005.1 - Elbridge Gerry Part One

Tenure of Office: March 4, 1813 - November 23, 1814

Signer of the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation, Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts quickly rose to become one of the key leaders in Congress during the American Revolution and the war's aftermath. However, as Alex and I explore in this episode, when it came time for the Constitutional Convention, Gerry would have more than a few things to say about the new government taking shape which would impact the trajectory of his political career. Sources used in this episode can be found at

Sources used for both parts of the Elbridge Gerry episode:

  • “Ann Thompson Gerry.” Find a Grave. [Last Accessed: 23 Nov 2024]
  • Billias, George Athan. Elbridge Gerry: Founding Father and Republican Statesman. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co, 1976.
  • CQ Press. Guide to U.S. Elections, Volume II: Fifth Edition. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Inc, 2005.
  • “Elbridge Gerry.” Find a Grave. [Last Accessed: 23 Nov 2024]
  • “James Thompson Gerry.” Find a Grave. [Last Accessed: 23 Nov 2024]
  • Purcell, Sarah J. “Elbridge Gerry (1744-1814).” A Biographical Dictionary: Vice Presidents, Updated Edition. L Edward Purcell, ed. New York: Checkmark Books, 2001 [1998]. pp. 43-51.
  • Risjord, Norman K. “Election of 1812.” History of American Presidential Elections 1789-1968, Volume I. Arthur M Schlesinger Jr, ed. New York: Chelsea House Publishers and McGraw-Hill, 1971. pp. 249-272.

Featured Image: "Elbridge Gerry" by James Barton Longacre, copy after John Vanderlyn [c. 1820], courtesy of Wikipedia

Intro and Outro Music: "Four Ruffles and Flourishes and Hail Columbia," as performed by the United States Navy Band and courtesy of Wikipedia